Volume 4 - Nomor 2 - November 2021
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 1 - Nomor 1 - Mei 2018
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)Journal of Management & Leadership adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Manajemen Tanri Abeng University dan diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM- TAU). Jurnal ini mencakup bidang ilmu Human Capital Mangement (HCM), Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operations and Supply Chain Management (SCM) dan Business Strategy. Jurnal ini diterbitkan berkala dengan dua volume setiap tahunnya pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmiah ini menerima hasil tulisan penelitian ilmiah dari dalam dan luar civitas akademik Universitas Tanri Abeng.
Volume 5 - Nomor 2 - November 2022
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Recomended Tools
Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 6 - Nomor 2 - November 2023
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
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Volume 3 - Nomor 1 - May 2020
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 7 - Nomor 2 - November 2024
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
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Volume 4 - Nomor 1 - May 2021
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 5 - Nomor 1 - May 2022
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Recomended Tools
Volume 1 - Nomor 2 - November 2018
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a management study program of Tanri Abeng University, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 6 - Nomor 1 - May 2023
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Recomended Tools
Volume 2 - Nomor 2 - November 2019
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Volume 7 - Nomor 1 - May 2024
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the
Recomended Tools
Volume 3 - Nomor 2 - November 2020
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The submitted original articles are double blind peer-reviewed within approximately one month of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final version of the article.
The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy. The author guidelines are mentioned in the Author Guidelines section of the